Focal Point Research is very honoured to have received an award nomination for Co-op Employer of the Year last month from the University of Guelph. FPR was nominated by student Anna Schwanke who completed an 8-month Co-op term at FPR in 2017.
“FPR has provided me with on outstanding co-op experience through the work, skills, and contacts I have had an opportunity to develop. I was able to expand the skills I developed during past work terms by taking the lead on certain projects and managing many time sensitive projects in different areas of the business has given me greater confidence in the workplace. I was given the opportunity to participate in meetings with material suppliers, industry consultants, and patent lawyers, helping me to make many valuable contacts for the future. Exposure to a variety of fields and working closely with people with extensive backgrounds in these areas has broadened my view of possible career paths. Focal Point Research Inc. is an exceptional employer in the work experience they provide, as well as the friendly and supportive environment.” -Excerpt from nomination package
Focal Point Research Inc. has hired 15 co-op students over the past 7 years from several post-secondary institutions. These students have come from the academic fields of Toxicology, Biochemistry, Biological & Medical Physics, as well as Post Graduate studies.
Click here to learn more about the benefits of Co-op programs.
Focal Point Research Inc is a leading North American Consultant for Natural Health Products, OTC Drugs, Cosmetics, Medical Devices and other consumer products regulated by Health Canada or the U.S. FDA. FPR also provides training, formulation and packaging development services. From concept to product launch and beyond, we are the scientific consultants with the expertise to put your product safely in the hands of consumers.
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