Amway, an American multi-level marketing company that sells health, beauty, and home care products, has approached a new take on improving their business before outsider digital technology disrupts it. They recently teamed up with Texas-based software company, Kony, to create apps that help Amway Business Owners sell products.
According to Cosmetics Design USA, vice president of global digital services at Amway, Mike Edwards, states: “If you look at companies like Uber, they didn’t do anything unique. It’s still the taxi industry. But they leveraged digital tools to make that a very compelling opportunity. It’s the same thing if you look at direct selling and you look at Amway. If we don’t disrupt the industry by leveraging digital tools, we’ll become irrelevant.”
The overarching purpose of the app developments is to help Amway Business Owners (ABO) serve their customers better and drive mobile sales, while strengthening the relationship between the ABO and customer through digital technology. By storing components of the app on a global cloud storage space, standardization becomes easier to achieve between apps, and allows for brand consistency among markets in different countries.
Brian Hart, vice president of ABI customer solutions and IT at Amway, declares that the app development plan will save a substantial amount of money while allowing the company to gain international brand awareness and further improve customer experience. “Everyone has a mobile phone, but not everyone has a computer,” observes Hart. By leveraging this common device, Amway reduces the possibility of an external competitor disrupting their business with app development solutions in the future.
For more information, please contact Focal Point Research Inc. We are leading North American Regulatory and New Product Consultants for Medical Devices, Natural Health Products, OTC Drugs, Cosmetics, and other consumer products regulated by Health Canada and the U.S. FDA.
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