As a part of updates made to Cosmetic Regulations in Canada published in the Canada Gazette Part II, Health Canada amended regulations to align with EU’s 81 fragrance allergen labeling requirements setting the implementation dates as: July 31, 2026 for new products placed on the market, and July 31, 2028 for existing products. To begin complying, it is recommended to get an expanded allergen list from all fragrance suppliers and then updating artwork based on analyses of each formula while understanding the disclosure requirements applicable. Health Canada is offering the option for cosmetics sold in small packages, to disclose the entire list of ingredients on a website. A bilingual statement must be made on the label directing the consumers to access the list of ingredients. Certain definitions have also been changed throughout the regulations to ensure the appropriate interpretation of all the terms listed. Some notable changes have been made to the cosmetic notification requirements: – The number of concentration ranges have been increased from 7 to 13 to ensure more accurate data is collected. – A declaration about the formulation being a leave-on or rinse-off product is now required on the CN. – Mentioning the contact details on the inner label is now mandatory to enable customers to reach out and report any concerns associated with the product. – There is no longer a requirement for the name and address of the Canadian distributor. – Any request for additional information made by the Minister must be responded to within 10 days by the manufacturer or importer. – Health Canada now has authority to stop the sale of a product if the notification requirements are not met or the information requested is not provided. – The importer will now be responsible to provide evidence of safety. For the purposes of protecting proprietary information, a foreign manufacturer/third party can provide this information to Health Canada on behalf of the importer. The Regulations will come into force in two parts – the disclosure of fragrance allergens will come into force two years after the day on which they were registered while all the other amendments will come into force 180 days after the day on which they were registered. |
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