There are number of changes that are in effect as of October 09, 2024 for the Cosmetic Notification (CNF) form requirements

  • Changes to the CNF came info force on October 09, 2024. The new CNF has been released by Health Canada. 
  • Changes include having to identify whether the cosmetic is a leave-in or rinse-off product, use of different concentration ranges compared to those used previously, the need for label contact details to be listed, requiring a Canadian entity / Responsible Canadian Party / Canadian Agent to be listed, removal of the need to include distributor information.
  • At this time, Health Canada has informed stakeholders that the requirement to list a Canadian entity / Responsible Canadian Party / Canadian Agent will not be mandatory on the CNF until early 2025 (exact date to be confirmed) as this has a significant impact to a lot of companies. The Canadian entity / Responsible Canadian Party / Canadian Agent will be the primary contact that Health Canada will reach out to, should they require any action in relation to a notified product.
    • There are ongoing discussions with Health Canada to clarify the responsibilities that this Canadian entity / Responsible Canadian Party / Canadian Agent is to have
    • It is believed that the Canadian entity / Responsible Canadian Party / Canadian Agent will function as a contact between the brand owner and Health Canada, however, at this time, the regulations detail a lot more responsibility
    • The Canadian entity / Responsible Canadian Party / Canadian Agent bears the same responsibility as a manufacturer
  • The above requirement for a Canadian entity / Responsible Canadian Party / Canadian Agent will not apply to any CNFs that have already been filed and will only impact new or amendment CNFs filed as of Oct. 09, 2024.

Additional Changes to the Cosmetic Regulations

  1. Ingredient Disclosure Flexibility

For cosmetics sold in small packages, there will be more flexible options for ingredient disclosure. Alternatives such as attaching a tag, tape or card or providing information via a website are now permitted to ensure consumers are informed.

  1. Strengthened Cosmetic Notification Requirements

There is now a requirement to notify Health Canada when a cosmetic is discontinued. The regulations have also been amended to allow Health Canada to halt the sale of a product if the notification requirements are not met or if requested information is not provided.

  1. Removal of Distributor Information

Distributor information will no longer be required on the cosmetic notification. Given that Health Canada can follow up with the manufacturer, importer or Canadian entity / Responsible Canadian Party / Canadian Agent, as needed, regarding distribution of the product for compliance and enforcement purposes.

  1. Identification of Product Type

Cosmetics must now specify whether they are rinse-off or leave-on products in their notifications.

  1. Fragrance Allergen Disclosure

A new mandate will require the disclosure of fragrance allergens on cosmetic labels if they exceed a certain limit. The transition period for the implementation of the changes is three years (July 31, 2026) for new products placed on the market, and five years (July 31, 2028) for existing products to sell through.